Skin in the Game CF 18

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SB Skin in the Game Full.jpg

Skin in the Game CF 18


Welcome to Cedar Falls, a small North Carolina town nestled among the Smokey Mountains, where the people are friendly and the men are hot.

Tahl Pendev had been lusting after Reed since Utopia first opened. He could have easily taken Reed to his bed, but Tahl wanted more than a one-night stand. What he wants—no, demands—is forever, or he won’t have Reed at all.

Reed Bowden doesn’t believe in love, marriage, or even commitment. He was happy with one-night stands and no strings weighing him down. But when one of Reed’s friends gets shot because of him, he starts to wonder if his lifestyle is all it was cracked up to be.

Will Tahl find a way to reach Reed, or will they implode before they have a chance?

Warning: High jinks will ensue as the characters from Cedar Falls try to play matchmakers!

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